Thursday, August 27, 2020

Global Warming and Geomorphology Essay

In his article â€Å"Global Warming and Geomorphology†, David K. C. Jones endeavors to recognize the fate and misery forecasts encompassing and offer an increasingly sensible way to deal with the impacts that environmental change will have on the land and biosphere parts of the planet and explicitly on the British Isles. Atmosphere variance dependent on the nearness of alleged ozone depleting substances has been happening for a large portion of the last geographical period. At issue, nonetheless, are a few factors that have not been considered in past times of quick environmental change remembering the effect of humankind for ozone harming substances and humanity’s information on its effect (Jones, 124). This information on humanity’s sway on geomorphology can be utilized for either gain in the coming worldwide change or can be utilized to instigate Judgment day expectations. Jones conjectures that geomorphologic change may have happened this quickly in the British Isles toward the finish of the last ice age, however that since mankind didn't know about it or could basically react to the progressions as they occurred, present day man may have a preferred position to secure his condition. The issue with the information that humankind has influenced worldwide environmental change is that it likewise calls attention to the amount we don't have a clue. The creator talks about this as far as regionalization, the possibility that some worldwide impacts of environmental change will just influence certain locales. The impacts he recognized as possibilities were: (I) The probability of calamitous results; (ii) The likely conveyance of ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ inside an economy, both over space and through time; (iii) Whether victors and failures can be dependably distinguished through improved demonstrating in adequate opportunity to permit successful arrangement detailing; (iv) Evaluation of the expenses and advantages of climatic change anticipation contrasted with those produced by reacting with changed atmosphere through modification; and (v) Evaluation of the expenses of endeavoring to keep up business as usual contrasted with oversaw adjustment with changing ecological conditions. † (Jones, 126) basically, Jones start his contention by saying that it is the financial elements of an Earth-wide temperature boost which may be more pulverizing to humankind than the real physical changes on the planet. Much ado, he says, has been made about the impact the ascending of the mean ocean level on the planet could have in zones, for example, Bangladesh, where 9 percent of the populace would be influenced by a rising ocean level, making a great many atmosphere outcasts or in Egypt, where the country could lose as much as 15 percent of its farmland to rising water (Jones, 127). None of these variables undermines the presence of mankind, however they do compromise life as we probably am aware it. Changes in climate designs, top soil disintegration and precipitation could effectsly affect agrarian creation, for example, which may majorly affect the world’s economy, however it is probably not going to have such an expansive impact as to deliver worldwide food deficiencies. Jones doesn't totally nullify the possibility that humankind could confront desperate results related with worldwide environmental change, however he contends that they are bound to be monetary than physical. (127). Be that as it may, Jones additionally contends that the capacity to anticipate the effect of a worldwide temperature alteration on geomorphology and the biosphere is fairly constrained. In particular, he guarantees that: â€Å"Predicting changes in the air piece of ozone harming substances stays tricky in view of vulnerability as to existing sources, pathways, transitions and stores of the different gases included, joined with troubles of assessing future examples of human information sources (Houghton et al. , 1990, 1992; DOE, 1991; Wigley and Raper, 1992) ; 2 Climate is the incredible integrator and, accordingly, mirrors a tremendous scope of impacts, both worldwide and extra-earthly, some characteristic others human-instigated, working at different transient and spatial scales. Both distinguishing and foreseeing the impacts of ozone depleting substances are, subsequently, very troublesome; 3 The connection between ozone harming substances and climatic boundaries isn't straightforward in view of both positive and negative criticism instruments, step-wise changes coming about because of the presence of limit conditions, cooperative energies, and the perplexing impact of the seas and their course designs ; 4 Predicting change remains hampered by absence of information with respect to framework boundaries (e. g. sea air coupling) and the magnificent extent of the processing task required by the most advanced models. † (Jones, 126-127) Perhaps the most significant piece of the postulation that Jones is attempting to make is that once we have acknowledged that an Earth-wide temperature boost is influenced by human activity, we should in this manner acknowledge that we can influence how noteworthy that environmental change will be. In particular, Jones discusses the possible effect of activities taken to alleviate an unnatural weather change including endeavors to diminish the creation of ozone depleting substances and activities taken as to soil move which is probably going to happen quickly during the temperature increment. Endeavors to talk about sea shore disintegration, precipice disintegration and influences on deltas and coral islands ought to stress what moves can be made to decrease the impact of rising sea levels. Any move at that point made to endeavor to control these powers of natures will substantially affect the result identified with those atmosphere changes. The principal thing I saw about this article is that it was distributed almost 15 years prior, making a portion of its essential presumptions rather out of date. For instance, Jones talks about the enormous PC power expected to play out the perplexing projections identified with climate designs and a dangerous atmospheric devation. While it is conceivable that this confinement was viewed as an extreme one out of 1993, the quick development of PC handling power implies that later glances at an unnatural weather change can endeavor to break down climate related information and construe likelihood dependent on those history designs. Moreover, the PC models can be definite and talk about explicit anticipated sea levels in singular urban areas or countries and over a particular time span. Never again is it only a destructive case that the ocean levels will rise, however it is a particular case with respect to how much water will be the place. The second thing I saw about this article was that it was distributed amidst a portion of the most noticeably terrible flooding in current United States history, the incredible surge of 1993 on the Mississippi River. Flood levels that year came to past the 100-year-floodplain and touched off inquiries concerning the impacts of changing climate designs on horticulture and populace focuses in the focal United States. From that point forward, we have seen significant flooding along a few significant waterways in the United States including the Rio Grande, the Missouri River and the Ohio River, while simultaneously observing the Colorado River experience the ill effects of huge dry spell conditions, making an absence of consumable water for significant western American urban communities. On the British Isles, we as of late watched gigantic flooding along the Thames River and related passing and pulverization. Effectively, only 15 years after Jones’ article, we are considering the to be of a worldwide temperature alteration as climate designs move causing record heat waves in Europe, killing hundreds, and movements in the American food creating states where downpour appears to come at unseemly occasions or improper sums. Next, I started to consider Jones’ hypothesis that enormous worldwide environmental change is principally concerning a great many people due to the financial movements it will probably cause. In the event that few nations see their significant yields start to cease to exist in light of an atmosphere move, will we see the food creation belts move further northward and further southward from the equator? Furthermore, what impact will this have on the tenable segments of the world? As extra zones of the world become named tropical and subtropical, what will be the impact on populace designs? Will districts currently to a great extent dedicated to populace focuses need to give the land back to agrarian undertakings? As of now we are seeing the impacts of the worldwide atmosphere move in India and Pakistan. India with around 1 billion individuals doesn't have the biological assets to help its populace, including, however not restricted to, clean water. This adds to the political insecurity of the area as Pakistan and other Indian neighbors face customary mass movement from India. These monstrous populace shifts are causing or adding to political conflict around the world. In like manner, as food creation endures on the grounds that populaces are not, at this point roaming and ready to follow the seasons to proper developing conditions, it appears to be likely that expanded worldwide struggle will create over the gracefully of regular assets going from deciduous trees to normal grains. Further affecting this is a transition to biofuels as an endeavor to control the creation of ozone depleting substances. Up until now, we have had the option to see that the popularity for grains and sugar stick to be changed over in to ethanol and different biofuels has started to drive up the expense of food stuffs on a universal premise. As some point, the framework will break and individuals will request that they have the option to bear to eat. Maybe the most fascinating part of Jones’ article is his case that the Judgment day expectations are exaggerated and that environmental change isn't really a disastrous occasion. Despite the fact that it is far-fetched that human-initiated environmental change will be the reason for an annihilation occasion, it shows up almost certain that the financial and political difficulty brought about by the environmental change may cause serious populace decreasing occasions including constrained fighting or eradication occasions, for example, an atomic encounter. Given the ongoing receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize to American Albert Gore Jr. for his work on educating the general population about a worldwide temperature alteration, the exercises of Jones’ article are especially ideal. His recommendation that an arrangement for miti

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Body Image A Sociological Analysis Sociology Essay

Self-perception A Sociological Analysis Sociology Essay The regular day to day existences of individuals living in the 21st century are swarmed by the media. Because of the colossal ascent in present day innovation the weight on people to adjust to a specific body type is more serious than any other time in recent memory. Tiggemann (2002) asserted that the media squeezes lady of any age to be a sure size, 'Rehashed introduction to such pictures may lead a lady to disguise the meager perfect with the end goal that it gets acknowledged by them as the reference point against which to pass judgment on themselves (Tiggemann, 2002, P92)'. Ridiculous guidelines of what is considered â€Å"normal† concerning body weight and appearance are continually appeared in the media. This depiction of what is considered â€Å"normal† keeps on getting more slender and more slender. There is nothing unexpected that the continuous presentation to unreasonable thoughts on what is supposed to be the perfect body shape for ladies inside this media-d riven culture has added to the present significant levels of body disappointment in females today. As schools incorporate ‘healthy eating’ on the school educational program and media pictures keep on strengthening the perfect of the thin ladies, little youngsters are getting progressively mindful of the strain to be thin (Fulcher and Scott, 2007:307). In The Sociological Imagination, C Wright Mills contends that ‘neither the life on an individual nor the historical backdrop of society can be comprehended without comprehension both’ (Mills, 1959:3). All through, keeping C. Wright Mills proclamation as a primary concern, a sociological point of view toward the regular issue of body weight will be a focal center, analyzing how explicit dietary patterns and practices came to be built. From this, social and social ideas will likewise add to a superior comprehension of how substantial procedures and social structures are from numerous points of view adding to the advancement of scatters, for example, anorexia and bulimia. In advancement, the media speak to a key social structure which impacts eating conduct and thus, what establishes ordinary eating. As indicated by Durkheim (1970), both social and social structures are outside variables in the public eye which constrainingly affect the person. In western culture the media are answerable for spreading female body type beliefs through the ‘glamorization of slenderness’ (Bordo, 1993: 103). During the 1950s the perfect female body type was a shapely, more full figure (Fulcher and Scott, 2007: 307) as spoke to by Marilyn Monroe, one of the most captured ladies of her time. As social standards have changed, pictures of ladies depicted in the media have gotten progressively more slender. Moreover, female body shape goals are fortified by sponsors who utilize thin models to sell items (Fulcher and Scott, 2007: 307). This prompts ladies contrasting themselves and the social perfect and disguising current originations of womanliness (Fulcher and Scott, 2007: 307). In this way, ladies are getting progressively acclimated with changing their dietary patterns so as to accomplish the social perfect of slimness. One way ladies control their dietary patterns is through abstaining from excessive food intake, which includes the limitation of the sum and sort of food expended (Fulcher and Scott, 2007: 307), the consistent increment in counting calories in the course of recent decades is without a doubt affected by the pharmaceutical, corrective and style ventures that accentuate the significance of eating less junk food and smart dieting (Fulcher and Scott, 2007: 306). Moreover, the media impact the individual’s food decisions (Ogden, 2010: 283). For instance, in the late spring of 1990 UK hamburger deals fell by 20% in light of boundless exposure about the wellbeing dangers of meat (Ogden, 2010: 38). This shows the media can majorly affect the food shoppers purchas e. The mix of pictures in the media, exposure around the advantages and dangers of specific nourishments, and the accentuation on consuming less calories and smart dieting in today’s society add to what establishes typical eating in today. Little youngsters start controlling their weight since the beginning (Bordo, 1993: 99) because of media pictures, and the standardization of eating less junk food implies that little youngsters see slimming down as a decent device for weight reduction (Fulcher and Scott, 2007: 307). In this manner, we can contend that pictures of gentility in the media and the accentuation on keeping up a thin figure add to the dietary patterns of the overall population, particularly ladies. What's more, negative exposure encompassing specific food produce can bring about decreased utilization of specific items which features the media’s impact on an individual’s food decisions.

Why is Aluminium utilised in the contemporary world?

Aluminum is utilized luxuriously in the contemporary world, fundamentally because of its one of a kind structure and alluring properties. Further, aluminum is the most bottomless metal in the earth’s covering; in this way, shortage isn't an issue. It is an individual from the Boron gathering of compound components, and is ‘the most broadly utilized non-ferrous metal’ (Planet Ark, 2010). It has the image Al, and its nuclear number is 13. It is important to consider the way that ‘pure aluminum isn't regularly utilized as it has poor mechanical properties. It is typically alloyed with different metals or silicon’ (Chemical Industry Education Center, 2011). A key territory where aluminum composites are used is for the development of airplane and rockets. Airplane producers utilize high-quality aluminum composites for the development of airplane and rockets. This is on the grounds that aluminum (the overwhelming component of the amalgam) can be aggravated with different metals and substances, is exceptionally pliant, impervious to erosion and comprises of a high solidarity to thickness proportion, in contrast with different metals. ‘Aluminium is utilized in practically all portions of the airplane, rocket and shuttle industry-in airframes, motors, frill, and tankage for fluid fuel and oxidizers’ (Davis, 2000).Further, Aluminum 7075 is an aluminum combination that is utilized vigorously in the development of airplane and rockets (The Aluminum Association, 2008). Aluminum comprises of a low ionization vitality, just as a generally high nuclear span, in contrast with different metals. The ground state valence electron setup of Aluminum is 3s2 3p1 (Web Elements Ltd, 2011). Thusly, Aluminum includes three valence electrons, which can be imparted to different components, or in this occurrence, metal particles. Moreover, as aluminum has a low ionization number, 6.0 Electron Volts (Ev), just as respectably low ionization energies, this infers the valence electrons of aluminum molecules are not unequivocally held by the core, and are subsequently, delocalized. Delocalized electrons are not confined to some iota; they are conveyed over a few molecules in the strong. In this way, valence electrons can move uninhibitedly out of the impact of their pieces (nuclear circle/structure less valence electrons). Therefore, aluminum, and different metals, has free portable electrons (Tutor Vista, 2010). Likewise, the holding in metals is regularly portrayed thr ough the â€Å"electron ocean model†. Another explanation concerning why Aluminum can be exacerbated with different components relates to its electronegativity. Electronegativity is a proportion of the inclination of an iota to pull in a holding pair of electrons (Clark, 2009). The Pauling Scale is utilized to quantify the electronegativity of a specific component. Metal's reactivity is subject to their electropositivity; subsequently, a metal with a higher incentive in the Pauling Scale is less receptive than another metal with a lower an incentive in the Pauling Scale (Tutor Vista, 2010). The electronegativity of aluminum is 1.61 Pauling units (Pu) (allude to table 3), while the electronegativity of copper is 1.65 Pu and iron, 1.83 Pu (allude to table 3). Consequently, aluminum is more receptive than copper and steel, and can be proficiently reinforced with different components. (Different elements are included) Flexibility is the capacity of a metal to display enormous disfigurement or plastic reaction when being exposed to compressive power (Engineers Edge, 2012). The key explanation with respect to why Aluminum is profoundly moldable relates to its polycrystalline structure. The polycrystalline structure of aluminum comprises of different disengagements, or crystallographic deserts. The nearness and development of these disengagements, offers ascend to trademark and attractive metallic properties, for example, flexibility (Davyson). Aluminum is profoundly impervious to consumption. This is essentially on the grounds that a flimsy obvious oxide shapes in a flash, when the metal is presented to the environment. These substances are framed as aluminum has the electron setup 1s22s22p63s23p1, and oxygen has the electron design 1s22s22p4; this implies aluminum loses 1-3 valance electrons to oxygen, yielding aluminum cations with a 3+ charge, just as oxygen particles with a 2-charge. This is a case of an ionic bond. What's more, when Aluminum oxide is shaped, it comprises of an honorable gas arrangement, and; in this manner, is adjusted just as steady. The arrangement of Aluminum oxide can be spoken to by the accompanying equation: 4Al(s) + 3O2(g) â†' 2Al2O3(s) Further, this oxide layer is one of the principle purposes behind aluminium’s great consumption properties; it is self-fixing whenever harmed, and is steady in the general ph run 4-9 (SAPA Profiles UK Ltd, 2010). At the point when aluminum is utilized for the development of airplane and rockets, it is regularly anodized to improve quality, and shading (Davis, 2000). Aluminum 7075 has a unimaginably high solidarity to thickness proportion. The most extreme/extreme elasticity of the composite fluctuates from 40000 psi to 78000 psi, contingent upon the evaluation of the temper (Alcoa, 2011). It is solid, with quality practically identical to numerous prepares (iron). The elasticity of iron (Fe) is around 40,000 psi (All Metals and Forge Group, 2011). Aluminum 7075 has a thickness of 2.8g/cmâ ³; where as the thickness of steel is 7.87 g/cmâ ³, around 282.07% more noteworthy. The low nuclear mass, 26.982 AMU, and high nuclear sweep of aluminum, 182pm, identify with the chief explanation regarding why it has a low thickness, in contrast with iron. Iron, then again, has a nuclear mass of 58.845 AMU and a nuclear range of 172pm. Aluminum comprises of a face-focused cubic (fcc) precious stone structure, though iron has a body-focused cubic structure. The nuclear pressing component (APF) of a face-focused cubic precious stone structure is 0.74, while the APF of a body-focused cubic gem structure is 0.68. In spite of the fact that aluminum includes a progressively minimal nuclear structure, the way that Aluminum has a higher nuclear sweep, just as lower nuclear mass, in contrast with that of iron; consequently, having less mass in a specific space than iron, permits it to have a lower thickness. This relates to the way that thickness is equivalent to mass over volume (d=m/v). Aluminum is utilized excessively in the contemporary world, essentially because of its interesting structure and alluring properties. A Key zone where aluminum is used is for the development of airplane and rockets. The reasons, with respect to why aluminum is utilized in this specific application, are evident and copious. List of sources Alcoa. (2011). Compound 7075. Recovered 2012 à Ã¢ ¹Ã£ Ã¢ ¸Ã£ Ã¢ » 11-February from Alcoa: All Metals and Forge Group. (2011). Metal Tidbits, Tensile Strength. Recovered 2012 à Ã¢ ¹Ã£ Ã¢ ¸Ã£ Ã¢ » 11-February from All Metals and Forge Group Web webpage: Substance Industry Education Center. (2011). Aluminum: Uses. Recovered 2012 à Ã¢ ¹Ã£ Ã¢ ¸Ã£ Ã¢ » 11-February from Greener Industry: Clark, J. (2009). Electronegativity. Recovered 2012 à Ã¢ ¹Ã£ Ã¢ ¸Ã£ Ã¢ » 14-February from Chemguide Web webpage: Davis, J. (2000). Erosion of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys. New York: ASM International. Davyson, S. (n.d.). The Structure of Aluminum. Recovered 2012 à Ã¢ ¹Ã£ Ã¢ ¸Ã£ Ã¢ » 11-February from Aluminum: science/aluminum/siteus/structure.html Architects Edge. (2012). Flexibility †Strength (Mechanics) of Materials. Recovered 2012 à Ã¢ ¹Ã£ Ã¢ ¸Ã£ Ã¢ » 4-February from Engineers Edge Web website: Planet Ark. (2010 à Ã¢ ¹Ã£ Ã¢ ¸Ã£ Ã¢ » 10-December). Aluminum. Recovered 2012 à Ã¢ ¹Ã£ Ã¢ ¸Ã£ Ã¢ » 11-February from Planet Ark: data/facts.cfm SAPA Profiles UK Ltd. (2010). Aluminum's Corrosion Resistance. Recovered 2012 à Ã¢ ¹Ã£ Ã¢ ¸Ã£ Ã¢ » 14-February from Aluminum Design: resistance.html Swarthmore College Computer Society. (2012). Flexibility. Recovered 2012 à Ã¢ ¹Ã£ Ã¢ ¸Ã£ Ã¢ » 11-February from Swarthmore College Computer Society Web webpage: The Aluminum Association. (2008). Aluminum in Aircraft. Recovered 2012 à Ã¢ ¹Ã£ Ã¢ ¸Ã£ Ã¢ » 11-February from The Aluminum Association site: Mentor Vista. (2010). Holding in Metallic solids. Recovered 2012 à Ã¢ ¹Ã£ Ã¢ ¸Ã£ Ã¢ » 11-February from Tutor Vista Web webpage: Web Elements Ltd. (2011). Properties of Aluminum Atoms. Recovered 2012 à Ã¢ ¹Ã£ Ã¢ ¸Ã£ Ã¢ » 12-February from Web Elements: the Periodic Table on the Web:

Friday, August 21, 2020

MANAGING PEOPLE IN FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7250 words

Overseeing PEOPLE IN FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - Essay Example At this crossroads, overseeing remaining burden and allotting the imperative undertakings in a business association has gotten one of the most fundamental works in the advanced business world. Dealing with the representatives in an association is likewise essential in the business world. This exploration will include the setting of enlistment and the board of the workers. It will likewise list certain ways that would assist the organizations with motivating and hold staff. Overseeing assets is one of the crucial errands required for the achievement of any association. This exploration work will certainly clarify the different viewpoints by which a firm can handle its work asset. 1.1Work Load Planning and Work Allocation There are different methodologies of outstanding task at hand arranging and work distribution. Remaining burden might be named as coherent arrangements of total work executed by an association. Remaining task at hand arranging and work allotment is two close however v arious phrasings. The authoritative administrators initially break down the measure of outstanding task at hand in an association and afterward they assign the accompanying to various representatives as far as the diverse work portion hypotheses. When all is said in done, the methodologies of remaining burden arranging set by an association are practically same for all the general population and private areas (Sabharwal and Prashant 25) Approaches of Work Load Planning One methodology embraced by the directors of associations is identified with basic estimation of the company’s current outstanding burden and workforce. Subsequent to making that deduction, they identify the different skills of the association. Proficient remaining task at hand arranging includes surveying the future outstanding burden, work power and capabilities in an affiliation. Here and there the troughs in an association look at the outstanding tasks at hand and work powers alongside their abilities in pr esent and future. Thusly, they adequately gain admittance to the excess and holes in the working procedures. The directors acquaint new plans with surmised the future workforce necessities. After a workforce plan is evaluated, the organization guarantees that the concerned model stays legitimate and sees that its referenced destinations are executed in the working procedure of the firm. Along these lines, with the end goal of outstanding burden designs, an organization utilizes estimation strategies, models, and hypothetical methodologies. The arranging might be done based on the kind of work or the strategy by which the work would be executed or just based on the laborers who might execute the undertaking. Model, Gantt outlines and bar graphs are regularly utilized in business firms to execute the diverse operational plans (Bhatia 45). Approaches of Work Allocation There are various approaches to designate work among the laborers in an organization:- Contractual understandings are regularly presented in the activities of a business association. In this strategy, the laborers are given explicit agreements to finish their errands. Once in a while the aptitudes and encounters of the laborers are likewise judged while distributing certain occupations to them. The more significant and complex the work is the more noteworthy aptitudes are required from the laborers. This is the hypothesis of relative bit of leeway. In some cases time it is likewise a significant factor in work distribution. The laborers who have the opportunity to execute certain work in a continuous association are assigned new up and coming tasks. (Wuttke 37). 1.2 Advantages of Work Load Planning and Work Allocations Proper outstanding burden arranging and work allotment is the main key that assists with making operational progress in a firm. The firm can effectively decrease its expense of move in business with the productive arranging techniques. Allotting the work to suitable representatives c auses the firm to execute the imperative employment instantly and adequately. Division of work has consistently

Types of Problem The Case of Esther Osei †

Question: Talk about the Types of Problem Case of Esther Osei. Answer: Presentation: Applicable article primarily expresses the issues that were looked by Esther Osei, while fixing an advance of 6,000. The article straightforwardly express the various kinds of issues that could be looked by a person of sufficient understanding survey are not directed by the credit taken. The instance of Esther Osei is a genuine model, where people ought to satisfactorily check the credit records before taking any sort of choices. Pertinent instances of cheats likewise talked about in the article, which help in featuring the dishonest estimates utilized by credit organizations to expand the loan fee. In conclusion, the general assessment of the Esther Osei case is been directed. The general AC additionally helps in recognizing the pertinent issues from the contextual investigation which could straightforwardly assist future with crediting collector to settle on satisfactory choices. These issues distinguished from the case could in the long run decrease the high financing cost advance Agreement that was led by credit suppliers. Conversation: The general obligation of 6,000 straightforwardly developed to 116,000 because of the carelessness of Esther Osei in leading significant concurrence with Broadwick Financial Services. Initially, Esther Osei Mili acquired the advance of 6,000 simply because of the requirement for her dad's memorial service and to purchase a cooker for her Clayton home (News 2017). Be that as it may, there were important reimbursement gives that could be seen from the circumstance. The general obligation of Esther Osei was crazy because of the top of the line loan fees guaranteed by Broadwick Financial Services. Esther Osei for the most part expressed that advance giving operator went to her and straightforwardly gave the advance, where Esther Osei didn't take a gander at the understanding and took the cash for a dad's memorial service. this choice is primarily considered by Esther Osei one of the most noticeably awful of its sort, which straightforwardly changed her future life. There were numerous oc currences where Esther Osei had objection in court with respect to the issues looked by thefinance giving organization (Chapman and Lounkaew 2015). Furthermore, there a few cases where both Broadwick Financial Services and Esther Osei looked in court due to the non installment of advance portions. there was a sure framework utilized by Broadwick Financial Services, passing up a major opportunity of portion installments could straightforwardly force more Surcharges and punishments on to the credit amount.This legitimately expanded the advance sum exponential.Moreover, the non installment of intrigue was likewise being charged as an enthusiasm to the borrower. This straightforwardly expanded the general obligation of 6,000 to bewildering 116,000 out of 18 years. Also, it was guaranteed by Esther Osei that financing costs on the credit was not unveiled satisfactorily to her while examining for the alone necessity (Moss et al. 2015). This non divulgence of loan fees is moderately tricky in nature, where people can't recognize the genuine sum that should be paid for the acquired sum. This for the most part expanded void in reimbursem ent portions, which legitimately expanded the credit measure of Esther Osei. Esther Osei in the wake of seeing the advance sum raised to 116,000 moved toward North Manchester Law Center for a settlement. this principally included superfluous hearings and conversations with the credit supplier, where an arrangement was cut between Broadwick Financial Services and Esther Osei.This bargain when he expressed that advance sum could be diminished from 116,000 to the sum offer of the house and an extra 5,000. This for the most part helped Esther Osei for diminishing the credit sum significantly with the assistance of North Manchester Law Center (Schiantarelli, Stacchini and Strahan 2016). The primary issue that could be distinguished from the assessment of Esther Osei Case is recognized as underneath. Carelessness in part of advance collector: The primary issue that could be recognized from the case is the carelessness that was directed on part of the credit beneficiary. Because of individual issues and money related need drove Esther Ose to disregard the general perusing of advance understanding, where the advance supplier has expanded in general loan fees and gave certain provision in the understanding. This carelessness with respect to Esther Ose principally hampered her future presence in UK, as in the present situation she needs to sell her home and pay the advance add up to the financing organization. ONeill, Dhareshwar and Muralidhar (2017) expressed that applicable news has been coursing everywhere throughout the existence where credit suppliers control the advance Agreement to expand the loan costs and the productivity. This carelessness with respect to credit got as legitimately expanded the advance sum from 6,000 to 116,000. In addition, the advance collector additionally disregarded the way that major legitimat e moves could be made by the advance supplier as authoritative reports have been in there guardianship. Right now, Esther Ose connected with North Manchester Law Center, which helps in decreasing the general credit installments from 116,000 to the sum offer house and an extra 5,000.This by and large settlement of the advance could have been done route before than 18 years, which could have diminished the general advance installments of Esther Ose and spared her home. Absence of data lucidity by credit supplier: The second issue that was distinguished from the contextual analysis was basically the Lack of clearness that was given by the credit supplier. There was a specialist of Broadwick Financial Services, who seeing the chance of getting an advance borrower legitimately pitched her the advance procedure. Nonetheless, the specialist of Broadwick Financial Services was not unmistakably referencing pretty much all the necessities in the advance procedure, which incorporated the high loan cost forced on that advance. Indeed, even the representative of North Manchester Law Center asserted that Esther Osei Should have perused the advance Agreement before joining, as the loan cost was radically higher than typical rates. This constrained Esther Osei to pass up a great opportunity credit reimbursement, which gathered in opportunity and arrived to a bewildering measure of 116,000 following 18 years. In this way, from the assessment of the contextual investigation it could be comprehended that adva nce suppliers are leading business, where every single record should be perused before going into any sort of understanding. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (2017) expressed that payday advances have astounding financing cost of 7000 percent on a large portion of the credits gave to the client. This essentially demonstrates advance suppliers are not giving all the important data with respect to the credit consent to the advance recipient (Bozick and Estacion 2014). Activities taken by fund giving organization: There were various kinds of moves that were made by thefinance giving organization, among which there was no moral activities taken by Broadwick Financial Services. The organization didn't ask its money related counsel in regards to the means taken in giving all the pertinent data with respect to financing costs to Esther Osei. This activity mostly expresses that the organization thought about the financing costs and wrongly charged its credit borrowers. In a Press talk with North Manchester Law Center asked advance borrowers of Broadwick Financial Services to investigate the loan fees that have been charged by the association (Zhang, Tsao and Chen 2014). This for the most part expresses that the association is notable for its dishonest measures sequestered from everything the financing costs in the credit understandings. The second move that was made by Broadwick Financial Services was necessity for the installment of 116,000 from Esther Osei with a week after week installment of 75 . This will for the most part take Esther Osei around 242 years to pay the general advance sum. There is no thought led with respect to Broadwick Financial Services, where it legitimately guaranteed the place of Esther Osei. Long time taken to give applicable choices: The last issue that was found from the instance of Esther Osei and Broadwick Financial Services was the general time taken for a satisfactory choice. The choice taken by Esther Osei and Broadwick Financial Services for the most part came following 18 years, which straightforwardly increment the general enthusiasm on credit sum, which thus raise the advance portion. There were numerous cases where Esther Osei couldn't pay the portion sum, where important moves should have been made by the financing organization. Be that as it may, in the 18 years there was some meeting included, which came about is no sufficient activity. This mostly constrained Esther Osei to move toward North Manchester Law Center Follow settlement, which could help in decreasing the over the top credit sum which was amassed in 18 years. The choice of settlement could have been led by Esther Osei much sooner, which could help in sparing her home. Mann (2015) referenced that pertinent court moves are made on credit s uppliers who increment the financing costs without seeing the advance recipients. In this way, it was moderately high time for Esther Osei to settle on the satisfactory choice and lessen the advance sum from 116,000 to the sum offer of the house and an extra 5,000. Suggestion for Loan collectors After the assessment of the contextual investigation, there are significant activities that should be taken by credit collectors before consenting to into any advance Arrangement. The general financing costs that is forced by the credit supplier should be recognized which is fundamental for identifying the real advance reimbursements directed by the individual.However, if there should be an occurrence of Esther Osei the loan cost rules to 30% and an absolute financing cost of 18 years was around 102%. This fundamentally expresses distinguishing the real financing costs is mandatory for all the credit collectors. The second estimates that should be utilized by the credit collector is the assurance of real intrigue installment that is led after the reimbursement of advance. This could in the long run help in distinguishing the base portion installments that should be directed by credit beneficiaries (Cornelius and Frank 2015). The third measure that should be taken by the credit collec tors is the charges and overcharges that is forced if any portion as

Monday, June 29, 2020

Failure to Launch and How to Prevent It

HomeSurviveParentingâ€Å"Failure to Launch† Is Not A Label You Want For Your ChildThis page may contain affiliate links.Nov 21, 2019A few years ago, there was a film in the theaters called Failure to Launch. . It was a romantic comedy about an adult who couldnt commit to either an adult relationship or an adult lifestyle. It was a light and humorous story. And it was fiction. Not exactly Oscar material, but it was entertaining enough. What Is Failure to Launch Syndrome? As a psychologist, when I encounter real-life failure to launch stories, theyre usually in serious conversations with parents about how to help their young adult transition from high school to college or from college to the real world. Whether a child slides easily or struggles from one stage of life into the next usually has more to do with life skills they bring with them rather than academic achievement or intelligence. This is particularly highlighted when young adults go off to college and face new challenges of independence. Some handle this transition with ease, while others do not. Making a Successful Transition From High School to College One young man I worked with was intellectually gifted and had a host of talents but struggled with organization and motivation. His parents were afraid that if they did not â€Å"stay on top of him† throughout high school, he would receive poor grades and not be admitted to the Ivy League college of his choice. They spent countless hours checking on him to make sure his work was done, reviewing his essays, and ensuring he was prepared for exams. While the young man received high grades in high school and was admitted to his top choice Ivy, he crashed once he got to campus. Without the skills to manage his life independently, he failed to hand in assignments, slept through class, and generally felt like an imposter on campus. As a result, he was significantly depressed, changed majors several times, and was unable to graduate on time or with a real set of skills that would allow him to get a job after college. He came back home where his parents then struggled to find a way to move him towards independence.As parents, the earlier you start helping your children develop life skills, the better. Here are some things you can do to help your child develop the tools he/she will need to make a successful transition to college and ultimately to an independent life: 1) Let Your Child Experience Failure This is so hard to do, but so necessary for children to experience. Many parents believe their job is to insulate their child from failure and rejection,but it’s just not true. Kids need to struggle in order to learn coping skills necessary to problem solve and function on their own. Stepping back and allowing students to try their own methods of studying and paper writing gives them ownership of the learning process and lets them experience the success or failure of their approach. They will receive feedback from the world (ie: feedback from teachers, low grades) that they can then more readily relate to their own efforts. This is best done in early grades when the â€Å"risk† of poor grades has less of an impact on college choices. I once worked with a family where the father was reluctant to allow his son to hand in homework with any mistakes in it. The two battled for hours each night, slugging through corrections until the father was satisfied with â€Å"A† quality work. While the student did, in fact, receive good grades, the student lacked independent skills. Worst of all, the school was unaware the student was actually struggling because all the work he handed in was always correct. As a result, the school missed the opportunity to provide the student with appropriate support to really teach him. 2) Recognize Signs of Trouble Early As a general rule, students should be relatively independent in the completion of their homework by the end of elementary school. If this is not the case or if they receive low standardized test scores or grades, if they have trouble sustaining their attention, if they struggle to follow oral directions or if they seem unusually disengaged from or angry about learning, consideration should be given as to whether your child has underlying learning challenges. Identifying learning difficulties early in a student’s career allows him/her to avoid excessive frustration and disengagement from the learning process. Something else to watch out for in middle and high school are grades based more on extra credit points than on test results. Students who do not do well on exams, but who are able to use extra credit and class projects to bolster their grades are at particularly high risk for difficulty in college. While many high school classes allow â€Å"credit† for homework assignments, class participation, and projects, most colleges do not. In college, scores are generally dependent on two tests and a final exam. Difficulty mastering material to do well on exams in middle school or high school is an early sign that needs to be addressed. I worked with a student who had low standardized test scores that seemed out of sync with her academic achievement. She had received mostly â€Å"As† in her highly prestigious private school. On closer look, I noticed she generally failed the majority of her mid-terms and finals but was able to bolster her grades by retaking exams, participating in class, and doing extra credit. While her grades help gained her entrance to a top college, she failed the majority of her courses the first year because her college grades were based mainly on exams. Once the learning issues were identified and appropriate supports were in place, she was able to do much better, but not without suffering through significant failure in her first year at college. 3) Recognize Signs of Potential Mental Illness Many major mental illnesses have an initial age of onset that coincides with the launch to college and independence. Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, and Schizophrenia often show their first signs in the late teen years to early twenties. Be on the lookout for changes in behavior such as excessive sleeping, social withdraw, volatility, confused thinking, and excessive use of drugs or alcohol. These are symptoms best addressed before a student leaves for college rather than hope that these things will improve with distance from the family. 4) Focus on Short-Term Goals and Plans Adolescents and young adults are neurologically hard-wired to live in the moment. Breaking down tasks so that they can experience more immediate success helps them stay motivated and engaged. Telling middle school and high school students that they have to study so they can have more college choices, is often ineffective as it seems too abstract and far away. They need more concrete and shorter term goals, like improving test scores from one exam to the next, being allowed extra privileges for handing their work in on time or finding pleasure in activities they love. These short-term goals will offer more rewarding reinforcement and build long-term skills along with motivation. 5) Create a Support Structure Students need to struggle, but not excessively. This is called â€Å"optimal frustration† the idea is to provide a level of challenge that can be mastered without unreasonable frustration. A student who is perpetually frustrated will disengage and appear â€Å"unmotivated. This is the time to make sure your student knows how and when to ask for help. Partner with the school to set up systems that make teachers and other professionals in the building easy to access. Providing support outside the family increases a student’s sense of independence and competence. Walk your child the through the steps of problem solving rather than take the easy routeand solve problems for them. Questions such as â€Å"How do you think you want to approach this?† â€Å"Who are some people you think might be helpful?† and â€Å"What ideas have you considered† are ways of engaging young adults to begin to think for themselves but to feel supported at the same time. As a parent myself, I know how hard parenting can be. But the sooner you use some of these tips and recognize issues as early as possible, there’s less chance your child will fail to launch and more likelihood you’ll watch them soar.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Things Fall Apart Summer Reading - 2607 Words

Things Fall Apart:Summer Reading 1. How would you describe Okonkwo’s life and background as portrayed in the beginning of the novel? What role did his father play in this? Okonkwo is a hard working man, who can support his three wives and all his children, due to the fact that his main goal in life is to not like his father, who was unsuccessful in life and was in a lot of debt. He strives to hate everything his dad enjoyed and makes this point by despising the flute which his father was very talented in playing. He seemed to had the life of a â€Å"man† even in his childhood because he knew that his father would not leave him much to start a life when he was grown up. Okonkwo had started to show his masculinity and respectability when he was just a young man by defeating an undefeated wrestler name the Cat. His father, on the other hand, was very lazy and unmasculine. He was afraid of the sight of blood and didn’t enjoy war so he wanted nothing to with it. But in his youth he was known for playing the flute very well. For being this way Okonkwo resents his father’s life but it still haunts him to become like his father, li ke a coward. His father, Unoka, didn’t seem to interfere with Okonkwo or at least that’s what it sounds like. The only role I saw that his father might have in Okonkwo’s life is what not to become when Okonkwo is older. I am probably wrong but I have not really seen Okonkwo to really talk about his father like a rolemodel much. It was almost as ifShow MoreRelatedSummer Vacation Is Too Beneficial For The Institution Of Year Round School Program850 Words   |  4 PagesAcross the United States, summer vacation is a tradition cherished by students and families alike. I myself find that the last few months of school end up turning into a countdown to carefree days. Though cherished, summer vacation can have detrimental effects. Students end up losing some retained knowledge of math and reading during the respite. This evidence has led the country in a debate of whether the summer tradition should still exist. While some believe the learning detriments should leadR ead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Best Love 1299 Words   |  6 Pagesslight differences, one thing that is so amazing is just how similar their stories really are. In the Notebook a man by the name of Duke reads a story to a lady who has Alzheimer’s and has lost most of her memory. The story is about an upper class seventeen year-old named Allie Hamilton who is spending her summer in Seabrook, South Carolina with her family. There is a local boy named Noah Calhoun who meets Allie at a carnival and needless to say it doesn’t take them long to fall in love. One day duringRead MoreThe Day Of The Lottery1397 Words   |  6 Pagesgathering on a warm, beautiful summer day in the square for the lottery. The children, who have just finished school, are playing while waiting on their parents to meet them in the square and are gathering up rocks into a pile off to the side. Everyone enters the square and the parents call their children over to stand with the family. Mr. Summers and Mr. Graves, the men who conduct the lottery, arrive in the square with the black box. The box is falling apart and Mr. Summers has an idea to make a newRead M oreThe Deterioration Of The Ramsays Summer Home1370 Words   |  6 PagesIn part two none of the major characters of part one are present. Part two consists of Woolf’s description of the deterioration of the Ramsay’s summer home. Woolf juxtaposes the deterioration of the house with the deterioration of Europe’s state via the First World War. The most important detail to detect in this part is the offhanded way Woolf merely mentions the deaths of Prue, Andrew, and Mrs. Ramsay through a series of parenthesis. While describing a terrible storm at the beginning for part 2Read MoreI am Unique Essay704 Words   |  3 Pagesorganized rows of books in the library, selecting and checking out those that piqued my interest. I would check out five, ten, fifteen books at a time, worried about running out of reading material before my next visit. nbsp; I recall a couple of years in elementary school where I read no book that did not fall into the category of either mystery or horror. Supernatural incidents, and the accounts thereof, fascinated me. When it first started, I remember the librarian looking at me and myRead MoreThe Notebook799 Words   |  4 Pagestimeless love story to his aging wife to help her remember what they went through and that the story that he’s reading to her was their love story. The story he reads follows two young lovers named Allie Hamilton and Noah Calhoun, Allie was 17. A city girl from money, and Noah was a country boy. They met one evening at a carnival many years ago. The two spend the whole summer together but Allie is forced to move and go to college although she was willing to give it up for Noah. AlliesRead MoreGraduation Speech : My Life After High School907 Words   |  4 Pagesundecided whether I would go to college. I didn t feel I was college material since I honestly did not do that well my last couple years of high school. I figured I would just learn to paint cars like my dad. I was working for my dad during that same summer after I graduated and I completely changed my mind on college. Going home in dust and grime everyday wasn t the future I saw for myself. I wasn t ashamed, but I was advised by everyone to go to college. I began to see the value in attaining aRead MoreWhen It Comes To My Reasoning For Entering The Teaching1009 Words   |  5 Pagesteachers in my past have pushed me to enter the teaching profession. I think I will be a good teacher because I believe that I possess many of the characteristics needed to be successful in the classroom. Not only am I open to learning and trying new things, but I am patient and enthusiastic about what I am teaching. I am able to bring fresh ideas to the forefront, while also holding on to the many concepts that have proven to be successful within education. I understand that forming connections withRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Notebook 1493 Words   |  6 Pageshave her, but she plays hard to get. Noah is a worker at a local lumberyard, making a mere $.40 per day, while Allie is a debutante. The story, however, begins with an older gentleman in a presumably modern day nursing home, reading to another resident. He’s reading her the story of Noah and Allie, and we find out later on that he is actually Noah, trying to get Allie to remember their life together. But Allie has dementia, sadly and gets agitated very easily. The majority of the movie focusesRead MoreBrothers Relationship: The Red Convertible by Louise Erdrich1100 Words   |  5 Pagesher audience through the experiences these brothers face and how they must come to terms that their relationship has changed. Knowing that it will most likely never be the same both Lyman and Henry try to fix their relationship until eventually one falls because of the experiences he faced in life. While Lyman may think the red convertible will save his and Henry’s relationship, Erdrich makes it clear that it will not through the characterization of the brothers, the plot of the story, and the symbolism

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Sociology An Academic Discipline For Many Reasons

Sociology Mid-Term Emma Rose Sociology was created as an academic discipline for many reasons. Sociology is the study of human society, which is how humans interact with each other. It is very important to study society and social interaction in order to better understand why people act the way they do. If you know why people act the way they do and the reason why they do what they do, you can decipher why people did things in the past and what they may do in the future. People such as Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber all studied sociology in a way that expanded and made sociology the known, important field that ultimately resulted in the popularity. Karl Marx theories about society, hold that human societies†¦show more content†¦Auguste Comte divided sociology into two main fields, which are: social statics, which is the study of the forces that hold society together; and social dynamics, which is the study of the causes of social change. Theories are meant to explain an unknown phenomena. Scientific laws are statements or equations that accurately describes a recurring process. Grand theories explain large-scale relationships why societies form and change. Micro-level theories explain small-scale relationships between individuals or small groups. There are three main theoretical perspectives in sociology, which are functionalism, conflict theory, and interactionism. They all attempt to explain how society functions through ideals that have formulated to be true. And, for each perspective, the ideas are different and conflicting, but they attempt to explain society. Functionalists see society as an integrated system of cogs that are all relevant to the constant progression of society. If an outside social force effects one, it will halt all the other parts. Functionalism encourages stability, and dysfunction cause instability. There are two types of social functions; manifest and latent. Manifest function is the inten ded or anticipated effects that a part has on the existing social order. Latent function is the unintended or unanticipated effects that a part has on the existing social order. Conflict theory tries to explain society through instability. A conflict theorist looks at

Friday, May 15, 2020

Literature Review on Performance Management - 9179 Words

CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction Over the last two decades, Performance Information, its implementation and presentation to the end users which directly refers to the subject of performance measurement (PM) has gained increasing interest and recognition in the general management literature, leading Neely (1999), when referring to the many contributions on the subject, to talk about the Performance Measurement Revolution. He demonstrated that between 1994 and 1996 a mere 3615 articles on performance measurement were published. During that period, there has been a sustained attention for PM within the financial industry. This section intends to make an expository on the PM literature by†¦show more content†¦In this employees would visualise as part of their function the requirement to continually assist in improving the performance of the organisation. They will also perceive that they can influence important aspects of overall performance (Robson, 2004).This was described by Horton and Farnham (1999) as a process of maximising the value added through the performance management such that the initial costs are exceeded by the subsequent benefits. To achieve this, individuals and teams take responsibility for the continuous improvement of the business developing their own skills and effectiveness (Armstrong, 2006). By harnessing and developing the potential of the individual the organisation will be best placed to achieve the strategic goals. In addition to this, the underlying principles of performance management have been described as one of collaboration in which the system deployed should be one which encourages development and one which allows team members to move on to strategic development within the organisation (Egan, 1995). The principles of performance management have been summarised as follows (Information Data Services 1997), 1. Translates corporate goals into individual team, department and divisional goals 2. It helps to clarify corporate goals 3. It is a continuous and evolutionary process in which performance improves over time 4. It relies on consensus and cooperation 5. ItShow MoreRelatedLiterature Review Performance Management and the Balanced Scorecard6479 Words   |  26 PagesChapter 2 Literature Review Since the Balanced Scorecard was developed in the 1990’s by Robert Kaplan and David Norton (1992), it has gained in popularity amongst academics and practitioners. In 1990, Kaplan and Norton led a research study of a lot of companies with the purpose of exploring the new methods of performance management. 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Norton (1996). ‘‘The BSC is a measurementRead MoreProcedural Justice And Job Satisfaction Of Nursing Employees1523 Words   |  7 Pagesunexpected; the Ghanaian nationals responded favorably to distributive and procedural justice. The authors’ foreknowledge on interactional justice revealed the envisioned thoughtfulness and awareness among Ghanaians. Along the lines of preceding literature review, Elma (2013) probed organizational justice and its relationship with workers’ attitudes and apprehensions with regards to work and job satisfaction among primary school teachers. The study ascertained that interactional justice and procedural

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Developmental Stages And Developmental Theories - 1004 Words

Developmental Stages and Developmental Theories There have been numerous studies on human development to explain how we function at different stages in our lives. These studies have looked at development from birth to adulthood. Researchers have wanted to know what makes individuals tick so that different methods can be applied to help individuals, in the current stage they are in, to realize their potential. In some cases it has to be up to the parents or teachers, specifically with the early development stages. There are two very prominent individuals, who looked at the developmental stages, and provided theories to explain an individual’s behavior and actions to their corresponding stage. For example, Jean Piaget, looked at four stages of cognitive development, and their importance in how individuals assimilate and accommodate to their given environments (Huitt Hummel, 2003). These four stages include; the sensorimotor stage, the pre-operational stage, the concrete o perational stage, and the formal operational stage (Ashford LeCroy, 2013, p. 318-319). Next, each of these stages are applied to specific age groups. The sensorimotor stage was designated to the ages of zero to two or infancy. The pre-operational stage was designated to the ages of two to eight or toddler to early childhood. The concrete operational stage was designated to the ages of eight to twelve or elementary to early adolescence. The formal operational stage was designated to the agesShow MoreRelatedThe Stages Of Cognitive Developmental Theory1629 Words   |  7 PagesPiagets stage theory is also known as the cognitive developmental theory. Constructivist perspective. No matter the name Piaget believed that children benefit most from concrete experiences or hands-on activities that allow the student to manipulate his or her environment in order to build knowledge based on interactions with the universe.(Mohammad,2012) Piaget believed knowledge is acquired in a set of st ages. There is 4 stages that knowledge is obtained. The first stage Sensorimotor occursRead MoreDevelopmental Stages And Theories Of Development861 Words   |  4 PagesDevelopmental Stages and Theories There are many areas in which an individual must develop to reach a mature level of adulthood. Several theories and ideas have been created in an attempt to describe the process that in which the individual passes to reach the desired levels of maturity. A few of those theories will be addressed in better understanding the development of Precious on a psychological and social plane. It can be assumed from observing Precious that she has been biologically developingRead MorePiaget s Theory On Stages Of Developmental Psychology1039 Words   |  5 Pagesdevelop into the best person they are meant to be.† ― Toni Sorenson Jean Piaget was a leader in the field of developmental psychology, the study of how people grow. Instead of continuing the Freud s work with psychoanalysis, as many psychologists and philosophers did at the time, Piaget stayed â€Å"closer to his teacher Pierre Janet s psychology† (Vidal) Best known for his theory on stages of cognitive development, Piaget was a great innovator and set up the foundation for today’s psychology and educationRead MorePiaget s Theory On Stages Of Developmental Psychology1180 Words   |  5 Pagesdevelop into the best person they are meant to be.† ― Toni Sorenson Jean Piaget was a leader in the field of developmental psychology, the study of how people grow. Instead of continuing the Freud s work with psychoanalysis, as many psychologists and philosophers did at the time, Piaget stayed â€Å"closer to his teacher Pierre Janet s psychology† (Vidal) Best known for his theory on stages of cognitive development, Piaget was a great innovator and set up the foundation for today’s psychology and educationRead MoreBowlby s Attachment Theory Stages Of Developmental1894 Words   |  8 PagesBowlby’s attachment theory Winnicott’s stages of developmental The following essay will aim to explore two developmental theories. It will also look at how they have become relevant in counselling and psychotherapy practice, how they should be helpful and offer support when a presenting issue occurs from a client, and how the counsellor will work in partnership with the client. The chosen theories are based on John Bowlby’s attachment theory and David Winnicott’s developmental theory. Bowlby John BowlbyRead MoreDevelopmental Stages And Theories From Birth From Adolescence1415 Words   |  6 PagesDevelopmental Stages and Theories from Birth to Adolescence Neurological Development According to the Urban Child Institute, the first three years of development are a crucial time for brain development. The human nervous system starts to develop at around day eighteen after conception (Carlson, 2014, p. 55). The brain stem is vital to instinctive functions, such as reflexes, breathing, and heart rate (Urban Child Institute , 2016). These are functions in the body that just happen without thinkingRead MoreErikson’S Theory Of Psychosocial Development Was The First1740 Words   |  7 PagesErikson’s theory of psychosocial development was the first theory that demonstrated the development from â€Å"womb-to-tomb.† His theory posited three tenets, the first that each era in life had a developmental crisis, and that at each period there was the opportunity for growth and development. Each developmental stage poses a developmental crisis that is central to that age, and as stated in Erikson’s second tenet, if there is an interruption in the dev elopment of one of the stages, the stages followingRead MoreDevelopmental Theories and How They Relate to Real Life Scenarios1468 Words   |  4 PagesDevelopmental Theories There are many theories on how a human develops. Most babies follow a certain pattern of development but the controversy is which person s developmental pattern of development is correct? Erik Erickson, Sigmund Freud and Jean Piaget s developmental theories are similar. Each of the theories goes through a human s development chronologically, giving a guideline of when certain developments happen. For example when a child is supposed to walk or when a child is going to speakRead MoreThe Theorist That I Chose To Write About Is Jean Piaget.1294 Words   |  6 Pages The theorist that I chose to write about is Jean Piaget. His theory deals with the nature of knowledge itself and how humans gradually come to acquire it. His theory is basically known as the developmental stage theory. In the developmental stage theory there are four different stages of the developmental theory: the sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational period. Jean Piaget was born in Neuchà ¢tel (Switzerland) on August 9, 1896. He was the oldest child of ArthurRead MoreDevelopmental Influences And Considerations : A Case Study Of Sharon1466 Words   |  6 PagesDevelopmental Influences and Considerations: A Case Study of Sharon There are a variety of theories surrounding the development of human beings, and the correlation of these stages of development related to substance abuse and dependence, is critical for individualized and competent treatment strategies. Developmental theories, such as Erik Erikson’s Stage Theory, provide a general applicable progression by age, but also factors in biology, environment, and unique personality characteristics within

Should Smoking Tobacco Be Banned - 1875 Words

Topic: Smoking tobacco in cars General Purpose: To argue Specific Purpose: To argue that the state of Idaho should make smoking tobacco in cars while children are present illegal. Central Idea: Smoking tobacco in cars while children are inside the vehicle should be illegal in the state of Idaho because: (1) exposure to secondhand smoke is harmful to the health of children; (2) the intensity of exposure to second-hand smoke in vehicles is much more harmful; and (3) the child or children in the car are innocent and cannot defend themselves. Introduction I. [Attention Getter] Visualize that you are driving to work, to school or someplace and you see someone who is in the car next to you smoking. A. It is possible that you might not†¦show more content†¦a. A small amount of the states in the U.S.A. have prohibited smoking in vehicles while children are present. b. For example, states like Virginia, Vermont, Utah, Oregon, Main, California, Louisiana, and Arkansas have prohibited smoking in vehicles with minors (Smoke-free Cars). c. Another example is that in the state of Idaho, it is prohibited to smoke in restaurants, on public school grounds, and near health facilities (State Tobacco Cessation Coverage). 1. If Idaho and other states have passed the law that it is illegal to smoke in certain public places, then they should also pass the law of smoking tobacco in cars with minors. b. It should be prohibited because those children are innocent and do not deserve to have health complications caused by second-hand smoke. III. [Credibility Statement] As someone who is going into health care, although it is in dental hygiene this does not mean that I do not care for the health of others. A. Especially the health of those who are innocent and cannot defend themselves. B. Due to my interest in health care, I have taken my time to do my best in getting as much information that will back up my argument so that I may speak up for those who cannot defend themselves verbally. IV. [Preview/Thesis] Smoking tobacco in cars while children are inside the vehicleShow MoreRelatedShould Smoking Tobacco Be Banned?847 Words   |  4 PagesUniversity president MacDavis from a 2015 Ohio University â€Å"We will join more than 1,000 campuses nationwide who ban the use of tobacco on their campuses,†(Lee). And in order to make the campus area healthy and encourage the smoker’s to quit smoking, Ohio University decides to ban the smoking on any campus property. Beside of that, the University campus will follow Smoke and Tobacco-Free Initiative policy in August 2015. Therefore, the policy will impose by using a community model†. That means each memberRead MoreShould Cigarette Smoking Be Banned?899 Words   |  4 Pages Should Cigarette Smoking Be Banned Whether or not cigarette smoking should be banned completely, has become an object of controversy in many countries. Should cigarette smoking be banned for everyone in the United States? Smoking tobacco products have been around for decades and in many different forms. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. Cigarette smoking causes more than 480,000 deathsRead MoreSmoking Tobacco Is The Leading Cause Of Death Worldwide880 Words   |  4 PagesSmoking is one of the leading causes of premature death worldwide. It affects the body by damaging major organs and arteries. People that smoke are often at a greater risk of having heart related and respiratory issues than nonsmokers. Tobacco products such as, snuff and chewing tobacco also contribute to similar health issues and risk. The idea of banning smoking and tobacco products is great because it could prevent millions of deaths yearly. There are many different negative side effectsRead MoreEssay about Smoking Should be Banned in All Public Places1133 Words   |  5 PagesSmoking Should be Banned in All Public Places Every year thousands of people die because of having cancer or other tobacco related illnesses due to smoking. Smoking is seen everywhere from our own television screens to even the world wide web; the internet. Tobacco is the substance that is in these cigarettes. These tobacco products are promoted through tobacco ads that are found almost everywhere you turn. They are in magazines, television screens, on the internetRead MoreShould Cigarettes Be Banned in the U.S.?1444 Words   |  6 Pages Tobacco has been around in the world for over 2.5 million years. It was not until a few hundred years ago when the tobacco industry decided to put these crops into use and conjure up tobacco products for the community. A popular tobacco product in society is cigarettes, as they are cheap and simple to use. As long as one is over eighteen, acquiring cigarettes is a straightforward process for a reasonable price, albeit the sin tax. It was not until recently when cigarettes became widely controversialRead MoreShould Cigarettes Be Banned in the U.S.?1400 Words   |  6 PagesShould Cigarettes Be Banned in the U.S.? Tobacco has been around in the world for over 2.5 million years. It was not until a few hundred years ago when the tobacco industry decided to put these crops into use and conjure up tobacco products for the community. A popular tobacco product in society is cigarettes, as they are cheap and simple to use. As long as one is over eighteen, acquiring cigarettes is a straightforward process for a reasonable price, albeit the sin tax. It was not until recentlyRead MoreShould Smoking Be Banned?895 Words   |  4 PagesPeople smoke all over the world. Smoking has been around for many decades. Controlling the usage of smoking depends on the smoker. Believe it or not, the government has a huge part on this. In some countries, smoking in public or enclosed areas is banned. In the United States, the owner of any public place has the right to put a â€Å"No Smoking Area† sign. Unfortunately even with these regulations, the smoker doesn’t realize how smoking can be harmful to the m and their surroundings; people are simplyRead MoreEssay about Cigarettes Should be Banned939 Words   |  4 PagesSmoking cigarettes is common among most adults in the United States, yet it is one of the most dangerous things you can do to yourself. Many people feel that smoking should be made illegal. The reason they may feel this way is because it is very harmful to your health and can lead to death. I strongly agree that cigarettes should be banned from being sold and produced because to me they’re considered a dangerous drug. The first reason that supports my claim of smoking cigarettes should be Read More Smoking should be banned all over the United States Essay1657 Words   |  7 Pages Smoking is an activity that has been around for many years for people to use and adapt into their lifestyle. It is a tool that many people use to help reduce the stresses of life and put them in a comfortable position that enables them to cope with the hectic lifestyle they are living. However, smoking has been scientifically proven to cause many types of cancer, the most common being lung cancer resulting in numerous deaths across the United States. According to BBC, Smoking is a greater causeRead MoreTobacco Product Should Be Banned1413 Words   |  6 PagesTobacco Product should be banned According to World health organization –WHO (2014), tobacco keeps on killing 6,000,000 every year globally. Tobacco practice has been going on from ancient times. In ancient time, tobacco was used for smoking and chewing just as it today. But, now it’s time to stop this practice. Because today not only people are dying due to consumption of tobacco products, but also they are suffering from very serious diseases caused by it. Besides it is also carry great risk and

Cavalier Poetry free essay sample

Cavalier Poetry is an early 17th century movement centered chiefly on Thomas Carew, Robert Herrick, Richard Lovelace, Henry Vaughn and John Suckling. Ben Jonson admired most of these poets. Cavalier Poetry takes its name from the supporters of King Charles I in the 17th century. These supporters at this period were called the Cavaliers; They were royalists during the civil wars. Aspect of Literary characteriscs, Cavalier Poetry is different from metaphysical poetry because it does not use complicated metaphors and unrealistic imagery. It prefers a rather clear expression. Although It did not confuse readers with deep meaning and allegory It reflected every thought. Its subject was mostly related to carpe diem (meaning seize the day). Using of direct language is the most common characteristic of Cavalier Poetry. This states a fairly individualistic personality. While writing, the Cavaliers admit the ideal of the Renaissance Gentleman who is a soldier, a lover, clever, a musician, and a poet. We will write a custom essay sample on Cavalier Poetry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However They keep away from the religion subject except making several graceful speeches. They do not try understand depths of soul. Indeed, they treat life freely, and occasionally they treat poetic canvention freely, as well. Life is too enjoyable for them in a study. They must write the poems in intervals of living and their poems reflect things which are much alive and enjoyable than philosophy or art. English Lyrical Tradition was contributed by the Cavaliers. They displayed us that it was probable for poetry celebrating the small pleasures and sadnesses of life. The most comman format of poetry that comes to mind is a typical example of the Cavalier thought structure.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Culture of America During the 1920s free essay sample

This Great War destroyed the beliefs of Americans on reform and self righteousness. During the 1920’s the Americans began to grow out of the influence of Europe and create their own culture to become their own people. This newly developed culture expressed more freedom and changed the ways of life for many people. There was more time for leisure activities. They called themselves the â€Å"Americans. † Education, one part of this new change, improved greatly during this time period. Before the 1920’s, there were 1 million student enrolled in high school. High schools catered to college bound students and there was more focus on the lower levels such as the elementary grades. There was a limited variety of courses you can take in school. The number of immigrants increased to 1 million immigrants and school costs doubled. During the 1920’s, there was a significant increase in the students enrolled, from 1 million to 4 million. There was more of a broad range of courses developing, such as, vocational training for those interested in industrial jobs. Trades and industrial education was promoted in the city while agricultural education was promoted in rural areas. The number of immigrants increased significantly as more people arrived to America. There were a total of 2-4 million immigrants and the immigrant children filled the city classrooms. However, they did not have the capability to speak English which put teachers in a predicament. In 1926, the school costs doubled again to 2. 7 billion a year. Education became a more important part of a person’s life. Popular culture in the 1920’s was developing as more people had higher wages ($5 a day) and therefore more leisure time. Radios and magazines became increasingly popular. Radios became the most powerful communications medium. Before, radios were only used for important messages and speeches about World War I, but during the 1920’s, radios increasingly became more commonly used for news, entertainment, and even advertisements. By 1930, 40% of the U. S. owned a radio. As for magazines, mass circulations magazines flourished. Magazines would summarize the week’s news, both foreign and domestic. By the end of the 1920’s, there were 10 magazine companies which sold 2 million copies each, including the â€Å"Reader’s Digest,† and the â€Å"Time. Sports stars gained widely fame and were glorified as â€Å"superheroes of the media. † Athletes, such as, Gertrude Ederle, the first woman to swim on the English Channel, Andrew â€Å"Rube† Foster, the â€Å"Father of Black Baseball,† who founded the first Negro National League, and Babe Ruth, a legendary hitter for the â€Å"New York Yankees,† gained massive popularity. Movies were the most popular leisure activity during this period. Students would go enjoy a movie after school and watch productions like â€Å"The Jazz Singer,† and â€Å"Steamboat Willie,† which was the first animated film with sound. As for music, black people expressed their culture through jazz, thus, creating the Jazz Age. Jazz flourished and gained widespread appeal with its improvisational and spontaneous characteristics. Among the famous jazz musicians were Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, a self taught jazz composer, and Bessie Smith, a female blues singer. As popular culture became increasingly popular, so was the sense of rebellion of the youth. The people became more â€Å"loose† and lost sight of self-righteousness and morality of things. During this time period, there was a certain restlessness of the people and a lack of respect for the moral restrictions and laws. The youth, especially the college students, challenged the traditional beliefs of proper behavior by rebelling against their restrictions. They would throw wild parties, drink illegally, and commonly had premarital sex. Sex became less of a taboo than before, thus, became more openly spoken in public. Males wore less stuffy clothing and tried to look younger. Soon, the older generations adopted the youth’s social changes. As Prohibition was enforced in 1920, the lack of respect for the law increased. This Eighteenth Amendment prohibited the manufacturing, selling, and transporting of alcoholic beverages. This amendment, however, faced great opposition by cities all over America and caused the formation of bootleggers, who would smuggle in liquor illegally, and speakeasies, an illegal drinking joint. However, 81% of Americans believed that prohibition caused worse damages than the initial problem. Gangs arose, such as, Al Capone. The women went through a big change in terms of their social and political life. Women changed their fashions drastically more than men. They wore shorter skirts and had shorter hair. The flapper, a symbol of a fashionable, pleasure seeking woman of the decade, represented the rebelliousness of this period. A flapper had a tomboyish look with short bobbed hair, knee-length skirts, and rolled stockings. More women enjoyed the freedom to smoke and drink in public and the freedom to get jobs. Women wanted jobs as nurses, teachers, or librarians. More women went to college and got their education. Back at home, the wife had more power in the household than before and there was more equality between the husband and wife. The wife would not be as dependant on their husbands anymore. As America tried to get away from European influence and â€Å"drama,† they created a new culture for themselves which represented a period of more freedom and also rebellion. This newly found culture produced a significant change in the people’s social and political lives. As people had more leisure time, popular culture developed, where the people were able to enjoy and spend their time with sports, music, literature, and movies. This popular culture became widely influenced. Although there was a positive change in culture, there was also this tension as a new part became added to it. A sense of rebellion among the youth was established, which was later adopted by older generations also. As Prohibition was enforced, more people developed this lack of respect for morals and the law. Also, women went through drastic changes as they created an outrageous fashion and as they developed a desire for more freedom. They were able to do things, such as, get jobs, openly talk about sex, smoke, and drink. America’s own sense of pride was established as a result of trying to become their â€Å"own people. †

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

When I Have Fears and Mezzo Cammin Sample Essay

When I Have Fears and Mezzo Cammin Sample EssayWhen I have fears and mezzo common sample essay is the only way to get out of them. There is nothing worse than being afraid of something and you know it is coming but you cannot figure out how to get around it.You probably have heard this enough times that you think it is common knowledge, but you are going to find out that you are not always right about it. Fear of the dark is actually a fear of not being able to figure out what is going on and if you know what I am talking about then you might want to try listening to yourself for a while.The reason we do not know what is going on can vary but the reason why we cannot figure out what is going on is because we are afraid. We are afraid of what we do not know about the situation. We are afraid that we are going to hurt someone or something.This is why so many people fear the unknown and why the average person has so much trouble in life. When you have this fear you keep you from doing t hings that you should be doing. You are afraid that you might screw up and lose control of your situation could end up hurting you and something bad might happen to you and it is really easy to understand how this fear can come about.When I have fears and mezzo common sample essay is the only way to get out of them and this fear is one of the more common ones that people have. If you had it or you have it then I think it is time that you took a look at it and just figure out what it is that you are afraid of. Then you can either fight it or find a way to take care of it.The first step is to see what it is that you fear and then look at how you can make it go away. Even if it is something that is not real, you can make it go away. This can be easier than you think and it is all from the use of mezzo common sample essay.The one thing you need to remember is that no matter what it is that you are afraid of no matter what you think it is, you can make it go away. The only thing that sto ps you from doing this is the fact that you think that you are afraid of something that is not real. The fear of the dark is real, so all you have to do is take a look at it and see what it is that you are afraid of.Once you do this then you need to take some steps to get rid of it. It is not going to be easy but it is not impossible. We all have our fears, it is just up to us to find a way to get out of them.

Monday, April 13, 2020

What is Culture Essay Example For Students

What is Culture Essay With a diverse population existing in the United States today, our country is a melting pot of different cultures, each one unique in its own respect. Culture, distinguishing one societal group from another, includes beliefs, behaviors, language, traditions, art, fashion styles, food, religion, politics, and economic systems. Through lifelong and ever changing processes of learning, creativity, and sharing, culture shapes our patterns of behavior and thinking. A culture’s significance is so profound that it touches almost every aspect of who and what we are. â€Å"Culture becomes the lens through which we perceive and evaluate what is going on around us† (Henslin, 1993). We will write a custom essay on What is Culture specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Trying to define the complex term of culture with varying elements of distinguishable characteristics is a difficult task. Perhaps, a description of a culture would be easier to explain. For instance, an Iranian woman has just appeared in your office for services and it is immediately evident that her culture is very different than yours. First, her dark colored clothing covers her entire body from head to toe, including a black veil over her face. Secondly, as she speaks, a cultural difference is detected in both, her language and gestures. Her accent and the non-visible facial expressions create a barrier for comprehending the communication. Later, as the service for the woman progresses, her beliefs, values, and norms of her culture are dispelled. For example, in order for the woman to show her face to another male in public, she must first request permission from her husband to unveil. During further discussion, it becomes even more apparent, that this Iranian woman is subservien t and possesses a lower level of status than that of Iranian males. All of these characteristics are indicative of this woman’s culture. As conveyed in the above description, the characteristics represent the unique symbols of one’s culture. Symbols, in representative form of communication, art, expressions, materials, and so on, allow a cultural group to develop complex thoughts and to exchange those thoughts with each other. Through the exchanging of symbols, one’s cultural ideas, beliefs, and values, are passed on from one generation to the next. People are not born with culture; they have to learn it. Throughout the development of the entire life span, culture is learned from the society in which we live. Furthermore, in the diverse population of the United States, ethnic groups or societies will have to interact with other groups outside the realm of their individual self. In order to do so, it is necessary for the societies to exchange languages, ideas, or even, technology. In addition, the changing environments of the world population requires a need for cultural adaptation for basic survival. For example, a move from the United States, where basic resources are plentiful, to Russia, where the resources are scarce, would force an adaptation to the cultural differences in order to develop a new lifestyle.In conclusion, culture defines who we are, how we think, and how we behave. Some kinds of culture are include better means of making life securer than others. Cultural traits that offer some advantages, utility, or even pl easures are sought and accepted by societies. According to a prominent anthropologist, â€Å"Culture is contagious.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"A culture is a means to an end: the security and continuity of life.† (, p.12).Henslin, J. (1993). Sociology: a down to earth approach. Needham Heights: Simon Schuster, Inc. Introduction to culture. Britannica Encyclopedia. Retrieved Sept. 8, 2000 from the World Wide Web:,5716,118246+12+109857,00.htmlBibliography:

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Persuasive Essay on Bullying in Schools

Persuasive Essay on Bullying in Schools Bullying is a major problem in many schools across the world. The media has reported many cases where students injure or even kill other students due to the bullying acts. Not only that, but some victims of bullying have committed to suicide. Bullying is never acceptable. For that reason, all stakeholders in the education sector must work together to find ways of dealing with the problem in an effort to guarantee the safety of all students. One way of helping students to become aware of the issue is to educate students about why bullying is to be discouraged and what to do if someone tries to bully them. One strategy in helping students to understand the issue is to have them write a persuasive essay on why bullying is wrong. Writing a good persuasive essay involves several guidelines. Guidelines for Writing a Good Persuasive Essay on Bullying: First, plan out the main points to be discussed in each body paragraph. Ideas should be well-organized and easily followed by the reader. Language must be clear and precise. Word choice can also have some emotional impact while at the same time completely appropriate for school use. Details to support main ideas may include facts, statistics, examples, and anecdotes. Secondly, the essay should stimulate the students’ desire to end bullying or to intercede on the behalf of someone being bullied, such as a classmate in a school setting. The writer might share an experience with bullying or something heard in the news. The writer could also discuss common types of bullying to help the reader understand what constitutes bullying. The idea is to help the reader develop empathy and understanding for those who have been bullied or tend to be victimized by others. The tone of the persuasive essay is also important. The writer wants to come across as understanding the issue and caring about the victims and potential victims of bullying, especially in school and among student social circles. The tone also needs to be persuasive in nature. It helps to give the reader a reason for caring. Has the reader ever been bullied? Did he participate in bullying, and if so, why? How can preventing or stopping others from being bullied help the reader? How would he feel if his brother or sister or friend was bullied? Finally, the essay should include suggestions on how to recognize incidents or potential incidents of bullying and what to do to stop it. In addition, it could provide some resources for those who are or have been bullied as well as for those who tend to bully others. Resources might include teachers, parents, and organizations. The idea is to prevent or stop bullying. If you need a quality custom persuasive essay dont hesitate to contact our academic paper writing service now.